Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Cooks

A heifer is $500, but you can donate a lot of different things, like a flock of geese ($20), a water buffalo, etc. (sorry, no french hens or turtle doves). The charity seems to check out from my own research. Carinne had a great time starving and working at the "third world country" camp she went to. I personally think it would be a great idea, but either way.

You can look on you can see how they compare. They are just behind the top charities in terms of operational efficiency (like Doctors Without Borders and Oprah's Angel Network) and ahead of a lot of the old ones like American Cancer Society. The rank the same as the Lance Armstrong Foundation. They are typically ahead of local United Way charities.

So no guarantees but it was on the brain with Carinne's recent trip. If everyone agrees with the idea of a donation, we could always donate to the charity of our choice or the Church's education fund, etc. Let's just figure it out in the next few days.


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