Sunday, February 25, 2007

We have had some relatively nice weather the past week so it was a bit of a surprise when we woke up the morining to a beautiful blanket of snow. The flakes were some of the largest that I have seen. Around here people cancel things pretty quickly when the snow flies so it wasn't a big surprise when we got the call that church was cancelled. We decided to make the best of it and enjoy the day outside. The kids loved playing at the snow at Grandma and Grandpa Johns's house last week so they were eager to get out and enjoy it some more. Silly me - I had already put all the winter gear away for the year - thinking there wasn't much chance we would get any more - so I had to dig through the shed to find the box again. Once we had all our gear on we got right to work making snowmen and snow angels. The kids played for hours and Katie treated us to yummy cinnamon rolls afterwards.

Sadie makes a snowman

Katie with her man

Mason playing with his truck

Sadie takes out the snowman!

Mason enjoying the snow


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